The 3rd Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups (TISU) will be organized during the next HiPEAC Conference (HiPEAC2015 from 19 to 21 January in Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in bringing their technology to the market and to better understand what instruments are available to do so.  These instruments range from creating your own start-up, patenting and licensing scientific results to companies to consulting.

The 3rd Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups (Amsterdam 19-21 Janury 2015) intends to bring togheter researchers interested in bringing their technology to the market exploiting the technology transfer process.  

Speakers at the workshop are people who have tried to transfer (whether successful or not) their scientific output into some kind of commercial product and are willing to share their experiences.

The workshop also reflects on ways to improve the transfer of EU research to industry, which is exactly the main focus of the TETRACOM project.  The main question TETRACOM tries to answer is what instruments are needed and can be implemented efficiently to improve the transfer to industry.

It is a very interactive workshop without proceedings but meant to exchange experiences. People interested in giving a talk on their view and experience are invited to submit an abstract to Koen Bertels by mail (