The TETRACOM project will be presented at the upcoming Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) Conference 2014, that will be held in Dresden (DE) the next 24-28 March. In particular, the project coordinator will give a speach titled "The TETRACOM appoach to technology transfer" during the special session "Technology Transfer towards Horizon 2020" on Tuesday, March 25.
The European Commission (EC) hopes to complement academics with business expertise through Technology Transfer in Computing Systems (TETRACOM), a coordination action funded by the EC under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The aim is to coordinate and support technology transfers from academia to industry by transferring knowledge and technologies developed by universities to the marketplace in the form of new products, processes, applications, or services.
TETRACOM (Technology Transfer in Computer Systems) is now calling for proposals for Technology Transfer Projects (TTPs), for transferring university-based technology to a partner company having operations in Europe. The university has to be eligible for receiving EU funding.
The first TETRACOM Newsletter was sent out at the beginning of February 2014 to over 1500 subscribers of the HiPEAC mailing list. In this Newsletter the project coordinator, Prof. Rainer Leupers, announces the forthcoming opening of the first call for TTP proposals along with other important information about the TETRACOM project.
The new press release about the TETRACOM project appeared on Alphagalileo ( ) and Cordis ( ) web portals. While there is a huge unused potential for technology transfer in computing systems in Europe, researchers often do not consider technology transfer into an existing company as a viable way to commercialize their research. TETRACOM wants to promote and support academia-industry technology transfer for computing in Europe by setting up 50 technology transfer projects.