This TETRACOM Newsletter presents some dissemination activities that involved the TETRACOM project, and it provides the results of the recently concluded 2nd call.  Then, the period of the third and last call for TTP project, scheduled for August 2015, is announced.  

The second call for TTP projects closed on December 31, 2014. There were 43 proposals from 12 different European countries for a total requested amount of 1.304.000 € TETRACOM funding.  At the end of the evaluation process, the TETRACOM Steering Committee 13 proposals for funding, allocating about 350.000 €. 

Among the dissemination activities,  during the HiPEAC Conference hold on January 20, 2015, in Amsterdam two initiatives were provided. The first was the TETRACOM Workshop On Transfer to Industry and Start-ups, while the second was a poster presentation with all (concluded and ongoing) TETRACOM TTPs. 

The complete Newsletter is available at the following link: