CK/CLsmith: An Automated Testing Framework for Many-Core Vendor Tools
In this TTP, we focused on expanding the scope of CLsmith‐based testing of many‐core compilers by (a) providing support for testing compilers for the OpenGL shading language (GLSL), and (b) harnessing the Collective Knowledge (CK) framework from dividiti (a UK start‐up founded in 2015 and specializing in fast, small, reliable and energy‐efficient computer systems) to ease the burden of testing across a range of platforms, aid in capturing experimental data sets associated with testing campaigns, and provide “single‐click” crowdsourcing, whereby testing of OpenCL‐ and OpenGL‐capable devices from a range of end users can be automated, enabling analysis of the aggregate results.
The OpenCL and OpenGL programming models provide a means for achieving portability across a range of accelerator platforms for compute and graphics tasks, respectively. A key component of an OpenCL-accelerated application or an application that uses OpenGL for graphics is a programmable kernel (OpenCL) or shader (OpenGL) that executes across the processing elements of a many-core device, such as a GPU. To allow kernels and shaders to execute, many-core platform vendors must deploy compilers for kernel and shading languages that translate kernels and shaders into device-specific machine code.
Writing a reliable compiler for a kernel or shading language is challenging, and recent work at Imperial College London using random testing has led to the discovery of a large number of defects in OpenCL kernel compilers ( This is problematic, since many-core technologies are increasingly being deployed in safety-critical contexts (e.g. the Khronos Group recently formed an Advisory Panel for Safety Critical APIs: In response to this need, Imperial developed CLsmith, a test case generator for OpenCL based on the Csmith program generator for C, which can aid in rapid discovery of OpenCL compiler bugs. Using CLsmith for testing requires executing tests across a range of graphics cards and CPUs, which complicates the testing process.
In this TTP, we focused on expanding the scope of CLsmith-based testing of many-core compilers by (a) providing support for testing compilers for the OpenGL shading language (GLSL), and (b) harnessing the Collective Knowledge (CK) framework from dividiti (a UK start-up founded in 2015 and specializing in fast, small, reliable and energy-efficient computer systems) to ease the burden of testing across a range of platforms, aid in capturing experimental data sets associated with testing campaigns, and provide “single-click” crowdsourcing, whereby testing of OpenCL- and OpenGL-capable devices from a range of end users can be automated, enabling analysis of the aggregate results. Our specific objectives were:
- Enhance a prototype test case generation framework for GLSL to enable practical testing of OpenGL compiler implementations.
- Integrate test case generation and result collection with CK for management of result data.
- Embed Imperial’s test case generation tools into the CK framework to enable seamless deployment and single-click crowdsourcing.
This TTP covers partially the period of collaboration between Imperial College London and dividiti; we have firm plans for a continued relationship in the context of this project.
Testing workflow: Figure 1 shows the workflow that we adopt for many-core compiler testing. Our program generation tools – CLsmith for OpenCL, and GLmorph, the GLSL program generator developed during the TTP – generate families of test programs that, by construction, should be semantically equivalent. Our test execution framework runs the program families on an OpenCL/OpenGL platform on a specific device (typically a GPU from a major vendor). For widespread applicability we support the major desktop platforms, and during the TTP we have developed test clients for Android, iOS and WebGL. The test results for all programs in a family should match; if there is a mismatch then a minority result usually indicates a compiler bug. The relevant program is fed to our program reducer to produce a minimal test exposing the bug, to be filed to a vendor.
Integration with Collective Knowledge: Figure 1 illustrates our vision for integrating the testing workflow of Figure 1 is integrated with the Collective Knowledge (CK) framework, which has largely been realized during the TTP for the case of OpenGL. CK provides a unified JSON API and JSON meta for the various data items that flow through the tool chain, including information about OpenCL and OpenGL platforms, families of test cases, and details of identified bugs. We have adapted the test case generation and reduction tools of Figure 1 so that they interact directly with CK-managed repositories, allowing the testing process to be tracked in manner that is largely reproducible.
Figure 1: Our many-core compiler testing workflow
The CK integration also facilitates easy deployment of our test execution framework on end-user devices, enabling crowdsourcing of data on many-core compiler bugs. During the TTP we have progressed the CK integration to the point where a prototype of crowdsourcing has been achieved (sourcing data from a range of devices at dividiti and Imperial). Our next steps will be to publicly deploy crowdsourcing to gather data from a wider variety of devices and platforms, which we will share via publicly hosted CK repository.
Impact: Thanks to the TTP, dividiti can offer an additional platform evaluation service for end-users (e.g. manufacturers of self-driving cars), with a focus on robustness as well as performance. Medium-term impact of the TTP work also includes: improved many-core driver quality thanks to fixes for bugs identified by our approach – Intel have fixed multiple OpenGL driver bugs during the TTP in response to our defect reports, indicating that IP vendors are interested in robustness issues; and a robust framework in which to conduct exciting research on crowdsourcing for software analysis and testing.
Figure 2: Integrating our testing workflow with Collective Knowledge to enable crowdsourcing of platform reliability data.